Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Expanding Horizons

I bought an extra set of puppy gating today so that the outdoor play area could feel a little more like play, and a little less like captivity. And sure enough, this extra room to run did wonders for the puppy energy.

George and Peaches were actually panting today they were so exhausted. Despite the extra space, they all made the tree their home base, digging in the dirt, eating grass, and trying to chew on the cord from the old string of holiday lights hanging around the trunk--which I promptly pulled out of reach followed by a firm "Leave it!".

The three musketeers are becoming quite the attraction. Neighbors and visitors walking by are constantly stopping to take a peek at the fuzzy little alien babies. Some pit bull fans. Some not. Some just love puppies. All of them, however, think Peaches is quite the looker, and that George's belly is ridiculous.

Oh, and Ralphie continues to be the adorable little loner puppy. Playing with others when he chooses, but otherwise doing his own thing.

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