Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Big Bully Baby, the Stalker, and the Loner

Character development continues, and the poop thickens:

We have Big George, the Big Bully and the Big Whiny Baby. He is either instigating or whining, most of the time. Luckily he's also good at gazing at you with his big puppy eyes and wrinkly face, all while sitting perfectly for pictures. I can never get Peaches to hold this still.

We have Peaches, the Stalker. She stalks everything, particularly her brothers. Not a play session goes by without her slowly creeping across the grass, ready to pounce on an unaware sibling trying to mind his own business. I'm assuming she is hoping to be known as more than just a pretty face, since I can never get her to hold still long enough to get a good head shot of her.

And we have Ralphie, the Loner. Happily doing his own thing, occasionally playing with others, but never making a peep other than the ferocious pint-sized growl that he offers up to his siblings when they try to mess with him. Yes, he is playing all by himself in the picture below.

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